
HSU可能是一所相对较小的学校, 而是更大的德州大学, we have big traditions that make us unique. They start with a Stampede and a beanie and end with a cap and gown.

世界著名的 牛仔乐队 1923年演奏了第一个音符. Since then, this group of musicians has been an important part of HSU and regional celebrations.

每年, this Western-clad ensemble participates in parades, 游戏, 牛仔竞技秀, and other performances on and off campus. The Band has traveled to more than a dozen countries and marched in the inaugural parades of six U.S. 总统:赫伯特·胡佛,富兰克林·D·罗斯福. 德怀特·D·罗斯福. 理查德·艾森豪威尔. 尼克松、吉米·卡特和乔治·W·布什. 布什.

This esteemed parade unit got its start in the late 1920s when Will “Sheriff” Watson, 一个忠诚的徐大支持者, 骑着他的白马, 银, at the head of our 牛仔乐队 during a parade. He was even dressed in Western gear to mirror the image of our famed music group. 这个传统延续了下来 六匹白马 was born; each rider carries a flag that has been flown over the state of Texas.

六匹白马 participates in parades, 牛仔竞技秀, 学校访问, 以及其他公民和社区活动. 每年, student-riders try out to be part of this elite, Western-style team.

Dr. W.O. “Doc” Beazley directed the unit from 1962 to 1998, 在那段时间里, he also author several books aimed at teaching children about horses, which used actual 六匹白马 in the stories.

你会爱上的 踩踏事件! This week-long introduction to HSU is full of fun and learning, from getting your iconic purple and gold beanie to participating in meals and 游戏 with your new classmates.

This orientation program will help you transition into college life and into our welcoming campus community. 你会遇到上流社会的学生, faculty and staff members; learn about our traditions and history; and dive into the nuts and bolts of living and learning at HSU.


HSU 战斗之歌 (“Parade of the Purple and 黄金”)


鹅吉尔伯特 is the unofficial mascot of Hardin-Simmons大学.Gilbert is a white goose that arrived on campus in spring 2013. He’s named after Gilbert Sandefer, son of former HSU President, Jefferson Davis Sandefer. As the unofficial mascot of HSU and adopted family member, he gets lots of attention from students, and we even celebrate his birthday annually.

弗里茨的历史照片, 白色斗牛犬或小猎犬, 后来被称为Dam-it, 1916年至1920年的吉祥物.In 1916 Simmons College was graced with the introduction of Fritz, a white bulldog or large terrier (his heritage is unknown) that was owned by President Sandefer’s youngest son, 直布罗陀海峡.  Although his given name was Fritz, he soon earned another, more widely known moniker.  There are speculative reasons for how he got the name Dam-it, from causing a cafeteria staff member to trip while carrying a tray full of food to students, or that it referenced his thoughts at losing his tail, 不管怎样,这个名字流传了下来.  Dam-it quickly became the class of 1920’s mascot as he grew up with the class, and integrated into the culture of the university.

He was taught the ever-popular game of fetch with both rocks and sticks, and would carry the rocks around in his mouth wherever he went.  Dam-it was allowed to roam all over campus, 包括教室, and laughter would ensue when he would fall asleep in class, 石头会从他嘴里滚出来, 把他吓醒, and cause a commotion until he had secured the rock once more in his jaws.

然而,大坝的故事是, 一个悲剧, as he contracted pneumonia in January of 1920 and died only a few hours later.  How much of an impact he had on the university was on display at his funeral, which included a procession led by the 牛仔乐队, 四名高年级学生作为护柩人, 还有新生挖的坟墓.  Senior class chaplain Ira Harrison led the service speaking from the text “Every Dog has his Day.”  Almost the entire student body and faculty were present for the funeral in the center of campus.

The fire hydrant memorial recognizing HSU's former mascot, Dam-It the dog.The story was picked up by the Associated Press, 受到了全国的关注, with condolences coming from every part of the country.  A marble tombstone was raised over his grave with the few words: Dam-it, He is Dead.  1950年左右, a metal plate was put in place of the chipped stone, and at a later time the memorial was moved beside the Reflection Pond, and a purple and gold fire hydrant was established in his memory.

在他死后, the class of 1920 donated another canine mascot, 这次是一只年轻的达尔马提亚狗, 但它是不可替代的.  Although Dam-it has been gone from the campus of Hardin-Simmons大学 for over 90 years, his legacy lives on in the monument beside the pond, and in the fire hydrant featured on every school ring.

Christmas season is a special time of year at HSU. 每年, we gather on Anderson Lawn to celebrate the lighting of the tree with a storybook, 饼干, 工艺品, 颂歌和可可. The festivities also include a dinner and a concert.

HSU’s Class of 1919 made possible the Petrified Tree Stump which is situated across from Abilene Hall. It was taken from the sand beds in the vicinity of Clyde and was brought to the campus by the late D.Q. Riddle, editor of the Bronco and a member of the 1919 class.

  • 颜色:紫色 & 黄金
  • 战斗之歌: “Parade of the Purple and 黄金”
  • 吉祥物:牛仔
  • 校报:HSU品牌
  • 年鉴:野马
  • 文学杂志:畜栏
  • 校友杂志:Range Rider